Love is one of the most powerful words, one of the strongest feelings ever known to man. Being in Love is an idea that some don't get. Love is never an easy thing to come by and even when it comes by, our lives sometimes makes it so hard to stick around. People have been hurt by Love countlessly and few who are fortunate enough have experienced ultimate joy it brings.
Love shouldn't hurt and if we look well into our lives we'll find ourselves surrounded with love, sometimes we are drowned in our own sorrows that we forget to see all that.
The biggest promise we all have to make is "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU❤️❤️" only this time we are not promising any other person but us. Learn to Love yourself deeply, you are the only person who should never get tired of you, all other people will someday change, disappoint and hurt you at some point; it doesn't mean they are bad people but it's just human nature to fall short at times.
If you deeply Love yourself, amid all the chaos in the world your heart will still carry a clear message and that is you matter, your life matters and you Love yourself.
The Love within us is powerful beyond measure, it's the force that pushes us to do what we desire and achieve all the goals we yearn for.
When everybody else is busy with their lives and personal struggles, you will always be there to support yourself and move forward. Remember to be important to yourself first before otherpeople accepting your importance to them. Loving yourself even gives you the courage to pursue those people who in your heart you believe will make your life better. With love we choose to be happy and there is nothing better if you want to achieve success than happiness.
There are so many people who will deeply Love you, allow them in your life but never dump the duty of Loving you to them.
You are like a company it doesn't matter how many employees you have, it matters not how qualified they are YOU WILL ALWAYS BE THE CLOSEST PERSON TO THE COMPANY.
Be closest person to your heart, always have your back. Love yourself, love life and live life. Each day as you wake up, whisper this to yourself "I will always Love you", you deserve it.
Twitter- @Georgepjo1
Twitter- @Georgepjo1