This moment is all we probably have, may be our tomorrow is not there at all.
Even though we do not know what will happen, most of us lives in the future which is a very good way of escaping the reality of our lives.
Concentrating on what future hold can be as helpful just as it can be destructive.
Personally, am pretty much focused on how I want to see myself in the future, it’s a sort of mental stubbornness that is fixated on a specific result.
The curse of such focus lies in the fact that we sometimes want to attain something that probably will not be as exciting as we are envisioning. We fail to live in the moment and we will almost always let go of the opportunities simply because those opportunities, in any way doesn’t reflect on the grand plan we have for the future.
Having a target, a dream is important but letting that future rob from this very moment might be a debt you will not be able to pay yourself.
Life is full of surprises, having an open heart and open eyes to always look into everything before you is important step towards making your goals a reality.
Today, this moment, this very second is a determinant of probably everything you are ever going to be, it is cruel not only to yourself but everybody else who knows you.
Goals when set well and firmly will always nag you, you will feel ashamed not walking towards them even if nobody else knows about them.
The point here is not you freezing, the point is for you to watch your steps as you climb the stairs.
Every single thing you do will either take you closer or further from what you truly desire, take that opportunity to learn how your today going to affect your tomorrow without necessarily living your tomorrow on this moment.
Better tomorrow is pretty much a function of a well lived today, take care of your today, it’s your reality.